Novel manuscript format
Novel manuscript format


  • Begin the chapter about one-third of the way down the page, then add four spaces (hit return twice) to begin writing.
  • Use Times New Roman font, black, size 12-point.
  • Set your margins to 1 inch set indent to.
  • In addition to the novel format, each paragraph usually starts with a half-inch indentation. In this case, formatting chapters for most word processing programs require that you begin on a new page. Typically, a novel is broken into chapters and paragraphs.

    novel manuscript format novel manuscript format

    Novel FormatĪ novel is probably the easiest print book to format. Here are some of the most common book formats for you to be aware of. And, as in the case of eBooks, sometimes there are strict formatting guidelines that you must adhere to successfully self-publish. However, there are certain book format conventions that writers should follow. There is no “formatting police” that enforces stringent rules for book manuscript formatting. Go to Insert > Break > Page Break to begin the new chapter. When starting a new chapter, instead of hitting the return button over and over to reach a new page, use page breaks at the end of the chapter. Set the indentation using the Format > Paragraph tabs. Exceptions for indented paragraphs include the first paragraph in a chapter and text that follows a subheader within a chapter. The industry standard for a paragraph indent is. This takes some practice if you learned to type a while ago, but it is a must. Set your document to double spaced line spacing. Be sure to set your document to left-justified, which aligns the text to the left side, leaving a ragged edge on the right. The font of choice for book manuscripts is Times New Roman, in black and 12-point size. If you are importing your manuscript from a different type of processor, you may have to manually set all margins to 1 inch. When using Microsoft Word for your word processing, you will find that the document defaults to a 1-inch margin - which is what you want. These are the standard nuts and bolts specifications in the publishing world: Whether you decide to pursue the traditional publishing route or self-publishing there are certain industry practices that are expected when creating your manuscript. Essential Book Formatting Tips for Publishing That said, you can always get professionals like the team at Gatekeeper Press to handle advanced editing and formatting services for you if you would like to avoid doing it yourself. Ultimately, to publish a readable eBook, formatting requirements must be met. Nevertheless, you will want to present your work appropriately to make a good impression when submitting a book for publication.įurthermore, self-publishing an eBook has even more stringent rules. If you work with a major publishing house, this may be a reasonable assumption.

    novel manuscript format

    Perhaps you haven’t even considered formatting rules because you assumed a publisher would handle the formatting. Do You Even Need To Format a Book Before Submitting?

    novel manuscript format


    While it is understandable to be wary if you lack formatting knowledge, if you have the fortitude to write a book, it is more than possible for you to learn how to format your book for publishing. Some budding writers even end up delaying their publishing dreams because they are so intimidated by the formatting step of the process. That does not necessarily mean that an author has a knack for formatting and presentation, which are entirely different skill sets.


    Writers and aspiring writers are full of ideas, knowledge, and creativity and have the gift of telling an engaging tale, crafting a compelling sentence, or making a powerful argument.

    Novel manuscript format